Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Code as Presented by Marcus du Sautoy (BBC Documentary)

The Du Sautoy Code is the interrelationship of numbers, shapes and patterns within an intricate mathematical system to the universe and all that is.

It has been mathematically believed by Pythagoreans and scientifically demonstrated by Newtonians.

Many have followed up and tried to prove it:

Bertrand Russel and Alfred North Whitehead's Principia Mathematica 

John Barrow and Frank Tipler's The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science

Gregory Chaitin's MetaMath!

Even Einstein on his deathbed had tried to reduce everything into an equation:

Now let's see what the author/producer and others have to say about the Code:

"What is the Code?  The Code is a three-part documentary about maths in the world around us, presented by Prof. Marcus du Sautoy. Hidden in the show and on this site were clues to a treasure, which was won on September 10th 2011 at Bletchley Park by Pete Ryland. Even though the hunt is over, you can still play all of the game and solve all the puzzles by reading below or visiting our Treasure Hunt page!"

"Welcome to The Code. This new series for BBC2 will make you see the world in a completely different way. Because underlying everything that surrounds us, from the natural world to the cities we live in, there is a hidden code that explains why things look and behave they way they do. That code is Mathematics.
My name is Marcus du Sautoy and I’m a mathematician. In the three programmes that make up my new series The Code, I want to reveal to you the hidden language of the universe and let you see the world through my eyes. Watch Pixar movies through the lens of a fractal geometer, listen to the story of Jack the Ripper through the ears of a mathematical detective and discover secret numbers built into ancient stone circles and gothic cathedrals."  - Marcus du Sautoy

"Take a step back from the messy everyday world and you find intriguing patterns and structures in everything from shells to drips of paint. In his new three-part series, The Code, airing on BBC, Oxford University's Marcus du Sautoy explores the mathematical stories behind these patterns and how they influence every aspect of our lives."

 "The Code was everywhere. We knew this because du Sautoy kept repeating it. The actual nature of it – equations and stuff – was mostly conspicuous by its absence. And what there was, was fairly basic. There was probably too much assume-the-viewers-know-nothing for the maths itself to be consistently interesting. But many of the segments were fascinating. The way numbers govern what sounds uncomfortable to our ears, for instance. The Code was engaging, sometimes wondrous and at all times visually stimulating. It clearly knew how to make use of a formula."

"A code at the very least implies information content, but The Code (as a proper noun and with the definite article) suggests something unique and powerful. Thus Du Sautoy:
…underlying everything that surrounds us, from the natural world to the cities we live in, there is a hidden code that explains why things look and behave they way they do.
[This hidden code (‘The Code’)] has the power to unlock the laws that govern the universe.
The Code is the truth of the universe, and its numbers dictate the way the world must be.
So, this hidden code, this entity that Du Sautoy calls ‘The Code’, has total and complete explanatory power, is identical to Absolute Truth, can lead us into All Truth, and is completely deterministic"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bible Mathematicians: Famous Geniuses Who Tried to Unlock the Secrets of the Bible

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), one of the greatest scientists at any time, mathematically defended Ussher's chronology of the Bible and wrote hundreds of volumes on bible codes and prophecies.

Charles Babbage (1792-1871), the father of computer science, mathematically analyzed Biblical miracles.

Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866), one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived, mathematically proved the truth of the book of the Genesis.

Ethelbert W. Bullinger (1837-1913), a scholar of repute in Hebrew and Greek languages, mathematically demonstrated the spiritual significance of numbers in the Bible.

Ivan Panin (1855-1942), a Master of Literary Criticism at Harvard University, discovered mathematical structures beneath the surface layer of the text of the Bible.

The list can still be extended:  

Peter Stoner, former Chairman of Mathematics and Astronomy at Pasadena City College, mathematically proved the veracity of the Biblical prophecies.

Henry M. Morris, father of modern creationism, mathematically and scientifically defended the Creation account of the Bible, Genesis flood, Noah's ark, recent creation, etc.

Floyd Jones, a distinguished scientist and theologian, proved the historical consistency and mathematical accuracy of the Bible chronology.

Doron Witztum, Yoav Rosenberg, and Eliyahu Rips, mathematicians of Hebrew University and the Jerusalem College of Technology, mathematically demonstrated the astonishing discovery of Bible codes.

Yacob Rambsel, a serious student of scriptures, proved the name of Jesus in the Old Testament mathematically encoded in prophetic passages.

Robert Faid, a nuclear scientist and a consultant to the nuclear power industry, mathematically proved the phenomenal design throughout the Bible which he called as "the fingerprint of God".

Without any doubt, there is a crystal-clear relationship between the Bible and mathematics, a unique relationship that supernaturally arise because of Divine inspiration.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Three (3) Famous Secret Intelligence Agencies in the World

We are all familiar with James Bond 007, MacGyver, Johnny English, Jason Charles Bourne, Jack Bauer, and Impossible Missions Force because of their exciting mission as spies and covert agents which we have seen in action-adventure movies and TV series. 

There are indeed real-life secret agents who are members of legitimate intelligence organization which are fully supported by governments.

Most of their missions are complicated and highly controversial.

Many websites are also offering information and gadgets on spying and secrecy both for kids and adults:

Even though there are many secret intelligence agencies ( but I will just give three (3) famous secret intelligence in the world today.

All the information about the following secret intelligence around the world were taken directly from their official websites.


The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Harry S. Truman. The act also created a Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to serve as head of the United States intelligence community; act as the principal adviser to the President for intelligence matters related to the national security; and serve as head of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 amended the National Security Act to provide for a Director of National Intelligence who would assume some of the roles formerly fulfilled by the DCI, with a separate Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
David H. Petraeus became Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on September 6, 2011.
The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency serves as the head of the Central Intelligence Agency and reports to the Director of National Intelligence. The CIA director's responsibilities include:
  • Collecting intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate means, except that he shall have no police, subpoena, or law enforcement powers or internal security functions;
  • Correlating and evaluating intelligence related to the national security and providing appropriate dissemination of such intelligence;
  • Providing overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside the United States through human sources by elements of the Intelligence Community authorized to undertake such collection and, in coordination with other departments, agencies, or elements of the United States Government which are authorized to undertake such collection, ensuring that the most effective use is made of resources and that appropriate account is taken of the risks to the United States and those involved in such collection; and
  • Performing such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President or the Director of National Intelligence may direct.
The function of the Central Intelligence Agency is to assist the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in carrying out the responsibilities outlined above.
To accomplish its mission, the CIA engages in research, development, and deployment of high-leverage technology for intelligence purposes. As a separate agency, CIA serves as an independent source of analysis on topics of concern and also works closely with the other organizations in the Intelligence Community to ensure that the intelligence consumer—whether Washington policymaker or battlefield commander—receives the best intelligence possible.

As changing global realities have reordered the national security agenda, CIA has met these challenges by:
  • Creating special, multidisciplinary centers to address such high-priority issues such as nonproliferation, counterterrorism, counterintelligence, international organized crime and narcotics trafficking, environment, and arms control intelligence.
  • Forging stronger partnerships between the several intelligence collection disciplines and all-source analysis.
  • Taking an active part in Intelligence Community analytical efforts and producing all-source analysis on the full range of topics that affect national security.
  • Contributing to the effectiveness of the overall Intelligence Community by managing services of common concern in imagery analysis and open-source collection and participating in partnerships with other intelligence agencies in the areas of research and development and technical collection.
By emphasizing adaptability in its approach to intelligence collection, the CIA can tailor its support to key intelligence consumers and help them meet their needs as they face the issues of the post-Cold War World.


The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), often known as MI6, collects Britain's foreign intelligence. The Service is based at Vauxhall Cross in London. Its Chief is Sir John Sawers. SIS provides Her Majesty's Government with a global covert capability to promote and defend the national security and economic well-being of the United Kingdom.

SIS and the media

Enquiries from the media are conducted through a dedicated FCO press officer in FCO Press Office. Because of the secret nature of our work, it's been the policy of SIS and successive Governments not to comment on operations, staff, agents, or relations with foreign intelligence services. SIS does not have a Press Office.

SIS and the public

If you wish to contact SIS please visit the Contact us page.
If you have information relating to immediate threats to the UK, such as terrorism, please pass this immediately to the Security Service (MI5).
If your information relates to an imminent threat to life or property, please contact the police on 999 or the police Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.


The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, otherwise known as the Mossad, has been appointed by the State of Israel to collect information, analyze intelligence, and perform special covert operations beyond its borders.

"Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety"
Proverbs XI/14.

Over the years, the Mossad has expanded into many fields, the most prominent of which are:
  • Covert intelligence gathering beyond Israel’s borders.
  • Preventing the development and procurement of non-conventional weapons by hostile countries.
  • Preventing terrorist acts against Israeli targets abroad.
  • Developing and maintaining special diplomatic and other covert relations.
  • Bringing Jews home from countries where official Aliya agencies are not allowed to operate.
  • Producing strategic, political and operational intelligence.
  • Planning and carrying out special operations beyond Israel’s borders.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

P for Philippines: the Great Heritage of Pinoy World

Question: What is the Philippines and who are the Pilipinos?
Answer: P

P for Pinoy
Filipinos are famous in the world today like Pacquiao, Pempengco, Pineda, and Peñaflorida.

 P for Pinoyheart
There are also many Fil-Am, Chinoy, and other half-pinoy who are well-known in the world today.

P for Pinaybeauty
It is a known fact that pinay are very beautiful.

P for Pinoywonders
There are many beautiful and wonderful places in the Philippines like palawan underground river, boracay beach, chocolate hills, mayon volcano, and many others.

 P for Pinoyheroes
Great heroes of the past had already made their inerasable imprint in history.

P for Pinoybillionaires
There are many pinoy billionaires and multi-millionaires in the Philippines.

P for Pinoyhenyo
There are many geniuses in the Philippines like Jose Rizal (national hero), Fernando Amorsolo (painter), Jose Perico Esguerra (child prodigy), Daniel Dingel (inventor), Jose Garcia Villa (poet), Jose Manuel Conde (film maker), Edgardo Escultura (mathematician), Antonio Mateo (inventor), Glenn Castillo (inventor), and others.

P for PNoy
Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III is the present president of the Philippiness.  Both his parents (Ninoy and Cory) are recognized heroes in the Philippines and in the world.

P for Positive
Filipinos are positive, creative and innovative thinkers.  In the midst of war and tragedy, we invented fluorescent lamp, moon buggy, rice thresher, ice scraper, incubator, videophone, and water-powered vehicle.

P for Progress
The Philippines is a progressive nation.  Its democratic government and loving people are doing everything towards progress and sustainable future. 

P for Peace
A true filipino is a peace-maker.  Everyone is crying for world peace but it will only start with a peace of mind.  It can only be found in the Spirit of God who is in our heart.

P for Prosperity
Prosperity in the Philippines is measured not by means of what you have but of what you can give.  It is not the outer (panlabas) prosperity which is important but the inner (panloob) prosperity.  Filipinos are cheerful giver.  We help our fellowmen as far as we can.  We are known for being very hospitable.

P for Panalangin (Prayer) and Pananampalataya (Faith)
Filipinos always give thanks to God for what they already have and for what they will receive.  In times of trouble, we always pray to God for help.  There are different belief-systems in the Philippines but it is known to be the only Christian nation in Asia.  Christians believe that the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the only ultimate solution to all the problems in this world.

P for Pamilya (Family) and Puso (Heart)
Family solidarity is very important among filipinos.  Giving respect and honour to the old, parents, eldest brothers (kuya) and sisters (ate) are very common to our family and society.  This is given emphasis in ABS-CBN which is known as the kapamilya TV network.  Love for both God and man as represented by the heart is at the center of individual filipino.  We called it “pag-ibig” or “pagmamahal”.   It is a sublime virtue among filipinos. This is the reason why GMA 7 is known as the kapuso TV network.

P for Pag-aaral (Studies or Education)
Education is one of the top priorities of the filipino people.  We engaged in quality education and technical scholarship to produce globally-competitive and functionally-literate individual.

P for Pagkakaisa (Unity) and Panalo (Winner or Champion)
Unity is the bond that will bring every every pinoy to become world achievers.  All Filipino has a winning heart and mind.  In the test of life, we strive to fight a fair battle and survive to win.  We look forward that at the end all is well because God is always there for us.