Thursday, December 22, 2011

Satellite Hacking

Twelve years ago I tried to study satellite hacking just for curiosity sake.  But I never attempted to hack any satellite.  Based on my research, it is very difficult and it takes time (and money) to do it. Today we commonly use Internet satellite dish, GPS-enabled gadgets, satellite TV, and satellite phones.

Recently, there was a report that chinese hackers attacked the U.S. satellites.,2817,2395390,00.asp

China denied the report

Here is the news - An International Conference entitled: "SATELLITE 2012: The Center of the Satellite Communications Universe" will be held at Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C. on March 12 - 15, 2012

Download the conference brochure here via satellite:

Satellite refers to any object suspended in space that orbit the Earth.  Moon is a natural satellite created by God. Artificial satellites were made by man.

"Satellites are used for a large number of purposes. Common types include military and civilian Earth observation satellites, communications satellites, navigation satellites, weather satellites, and research satellites. Space stations and human spacecraft in orbit are also satellites. Satellite orbits vary greatly, depending on the purpose of the satellite, and are classified in a number of ways. Well-known (overlapping) classes include low Earth orbit, polar orbit, and geostationary orbit.
Satellites are usually semi-independent computer-controlled systems. Satellite subsystems attend many tasks, such as power generation, thermal control, telemetry, attitude control and orbit control."


For real hackers (as opposed to computer criminals who call themselves hackers), satellite hacking is about building your own, getting them launched, and using them. Furthermore, believe it or not, the world's first communications satellite was built by a group of radio amateurs. They were real hackers in the truest sense of the word."

"Based on what I know, hacking satellite is same as hacking computer system. That is, just keep guessing the password. Satellite company usually set a maximum number of times for password inputs and encrypts the password during the transmission. This makes the hacking satellite extremely hard. So hacking satellite might be an inside job or Tamil Tiger hacked the Intersat's computer system first, then retrieved the passwords and protocol. Then hacked the satellite." - Larry Young (June 28, 2009 Comment)

Watch the video entitled: "Satellite Hacking For Fun And Profit (Blackhat 2009)"

Download the ebook at:

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